The beginning of the big KT adventure!

The beginning of the big KT adventure!
I just got married to the most amazing man! Life is bliss!

Monday 10 May 2010

Jeju ultimate frisbee tournament!!

Congrats to Keith and to all the other 5 Jeju teams who played on the big frisbee tournament 2 weekends ago!

The competition was challenging. There were teams from Seoul, Tokyo, Guam, and Taiwan... all teams that have been practicing for a while now and very serious about the tournament. There were both male and females on the team, and averaged out to about 10 players on each team. The tournament was all day Saturday and Sunday, but since I had to teach Saturday morning, I only went to Seogwipo that night for the after-party at Geckos (a popular western bar in the south end of the island), and to watch Keith and the other Jeju teams all day on Sunday.

Everyone did amazing, but the Jeju teams unfortunately did not end up winning. However, I was so proud of Keith because his insane energy level and effort gave him the MVP/greatest effort award for the Jeju teams! Congrats babe! He deserved it! He was running around like crazy, diving, jumping, playing on two teams (subbing in for one injured player) and just had all-around great team effort and attitude. I was surprised with how intense ultimate frisbee is, how good at frisbee some players were, and how many players got injured (sprained ankles, cuts and bruises, broken toes!)

Here are some pics from the tournament. If you ever get the chance to play, do it! It seems like a great team sport, as well as a great workout....tons of running!

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