I kept hearing about Olleh Trail #7 being beautiful, so I went with a few of my friends- Shaeley, Kelly (both from Colorado) Steph (from Canada), and one of my co-teachers, Yeon Suk Lee. We didn't end up doing the entire trail, because we took our time at each beautiful location...taking pictures, playing with rocks, and grabbing lunch. So maybe it wasn't exactly a hard workout, but more of a relaxing Sunday that made for some nice pics! I hope to do the whole path next time!
During the walk, we met huge groups of students that appeared to be on a school trip from the mainland of Korea. They were all excited to use their English and kept asking us where are we from, and also yelling out other hilarious English phrases that they knew. It was nice weather...only a few drizzles of rain which felt great during the hike. However, so many Koreans had their umbrellas-...maybe because of the light rain or possibly also to protect them from the sun. We'll never know!
We took a break halfway at a pretty cafe, and had a Korean type of seafood/veggie pancake dish, along with iced coffee lattes. The view from the cafe restaurant was amazing. It overlooked the olleh path which had flowers on each side, and also the sea's shoreline, which had beautiful rock formations, palm trees, flowers and bushes, and small islands off in the distance.
If you come to visit Jeju, I will take you on an olleh trail because it's a great experience and a great way to see the beauty of the island.
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