The beginning of the big KT adventure!

The beginning of the big KT adventure!
I just got married to the most amazing man! Life is bliss!

Sunday 2 January 2011

Wonderful News!!

Right now, Keith and I have a winter break until March, which is when the new school year begins. However, we have to do a little desk warming (sitting in the office) and we have one week of camp that we have to work for our school. Besides that, we'll both have time to relax at home and catch up on things in the office. One thing we will have to start doing is preparing for our new job starting next September.

For those who haven't heard yet, Keith and I just received teaching positions at the new international school opening here in Jeju next September. The benefits are wonderful and there are not many teachers working there (only about 35 in all, 4 from here in jeju...2 of our friends and us) and the other teachers will be hired from all around the world and will have 10 years of experience and masters degree) so we got very lucky with being offered the job when we did, plus the school is an American school so we will both be teaching our subject areas in which we got our degree in! I will be teaching language arts and reading for middle level and also having a spanish club and Keith will be in charge of the entire health/PE program. The director who interviewed us and hired us studied at Harvard Univ. and has taught for 30 years at private schools around the world, so I am sure he will be a great mentor for us. We are so excited and still cannot believe we just got offered such amazing jobs!

It's a 2 year contract and although we were planning on moving to Hong Kong next year to get our masters degree, we were surprised to be able to get into the international school system (which was our later goal and was one reason why we wanted to get our masters degree in the first place). We are still hoping to get our masters degree at some point but now we can feel relieved to know that we have a great job for the next two years.

It's a good end to 2010 and an exciting way for us to start off the new year!

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