What an amazing Halloween night!! After spending so much time preparing our Simpson's Halloween costumes throughout the week, I wasn't going to let my cold/sore throat make me stay in for the night and skip one of my favorite holidays! So, although I felt kinda sick, I had fun dressing up with Keith for about an hr...getting our yellow paint and detailed accessories on before heading out.
We went to the open mic bar for the big Halloween play/costume contest. It was a great night seeing all of our friends and seeing all of the creative costumes. Everyone loved our costume and told us that we had the best one there! And everyone kept asking to take photos of us! We were so happy that all the work paid off and it turned out to be the best costume I've ever had. That night we won in the contest for "Ok, I get it, you're a couple" and we got in 2nd place for "Best Overall Costume On The Island". Our friend Myles, who dressed up like Beeker from The Muppets won first place for the best overall costume. It was a really good costume too since he made it all himself. Check out the photo below!
Well, I'm glad I went out and today (Sunday) I am recovering and hoping I lose this nasty cold.
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween as well. I brought the holiday here in Korea by teaching my students about Halloween and the monsters and playing them the "Monster Mash" song like I did last year. I also kept the tradition of wearing a witch costume all week. It definitely felt like Halloween here, even though Koreans don't celebrate the holiday. I think all of my staff at my school were excited for it too because we carved pumpkins with the students during lunchtime and all the teachers got candy from me if they said "trick or treat" when I walked by their desks.
Can't wait to see photos of the costumes you wore and hear stories of your Halloween! Trick or treat and Happy Halloween!
Oh ya and today we had yellow paint over everything! It was body paint so most of it came off with a little hot water and soap, but we had to scrub everything in our bathroom where we had put on the paint, and we'll probably need another few showers to get ALL the yellow paint off of our skin. Plus, we found a lil bit of paint on our jackets, purse, etc. Oh my! What a yellow Simpson's Halloween!