Na-na-na Notorious!!! DIG!!
Quote of the day
Tina: "Let's make Mt. Halla Erupt!"
This past 4th of July weekend (Sunday), Keith and I were asked to play in another v-ball tournament at Iho beach. This time, instead of about 25 teams, there were only 12 and instead of a 2-day tourney, it was only 1 day. I think the v-ball players that were more serious and competitive were asked to play.
Anyways, there were about half Korean teams (from the swing dancing club), as well as half foreigner teams. Our team was a bunch of our good friends (Candy, Jon, Elizabeth, Jeff, me and Keith= you can see in the picture below) so the whole day was so much fun. Our team name was Notorious DIG, so we all had team shirts with rapper names. Keith was the old time rapper....Kool Keith, and I was Misdemeana Tina :)
The weather was perfect and a little mystical. It was warm (maybe 75 degrees), very humid, but was also extremely foggy...you couldn't even see out into the ocean or past the v-ball court area....and it was drizzling on and off which felt great while playing! The sun came out a little later on in the day and we all were burnt by sunset!
Since we were relaxed and just having a good time, I think our positive attitude, cohesiveness and good team sportsmanship, along with our v-ball talent of course...brought us to be the champions!!! We surprisingly won the entire tournament (and against some really good and competitive teams)! After the game, our team went out for Indian food at our favorite Indian restaurant, Rajmahul. We splurged using our 100,000 won ($100) prize money.
There were a bunch of Americans at the beach and someone did bring fireworks, but since we played v-ball from 9am-6pm...we were all a lil tired and hungry and forgot all about the fireworks by the time the tourney was finished. We'll just have to use them another weekend. But b/c of the awesome win at the v-ball tournament and just drinking and having fun at the beach all day, ending it with delicious Indian food, I would have to say our 4th of July was mighty fine!
God Bless America!!! We miss everyone at home and hope everyone else had a fun and relaxing day full of American spirit and love for our amazing country!!

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