I know I haven't posted anything for a looong time and that's because.... we have been getting married and celebrating the special occasion all summer long! Yes, it certainly has been an eventful and exciting summer for my husband and I. And it is wonderful to finally be able to call him my husband and know that we are family! I love him so much!
It's been an easy adjustment returning back to our same schools and apartment, and we love being back on our small island! It feels like home!
Now, let me update you on our summer....
1. We first went to Hawaii for 10 days, visiting some friends and adventuring 3 of the islands (Oahu, the Big Island and Kauai)
2. We then flew to Samoa where we lived in luxury for 10 days at Sinalei resort, where we had our private wedding and honeymoon
3. We finally went to our home-sweet-home in Chicago where we spent 10 days visiting family and friends, running around doing errands and having our huge (200+ guests) Polynesian wedding party in my backyard!
What an amazing summer!! I will show you photos, videos and give you more details in the upcoming posts! Enjoy!
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